The Applicability of Party Autonomy in the Appointment of Arbitrators
Leaua, Crenguta
Liability and Independence of the Arbitrator
Maisner, Martin
The Autonomy of Arbitrators in Determining the Law Applicable to the Merits of a Case
Natov, Nikolay
Law Applicable to the Merits of the Dispute Submitted to Arbitration in the Absence of the Choice of Law by the Parties (Remarks on Polish Law)
Pilich, Mateusz
Liability of Arbitrators - Judicial Immunity versus Contractual Liability
Pörnbacher, Karl
Knief, Inken
Party Autonomy under the 2012 ICC Arbitration Rules
Steindl, Barbara Helene
Autonomy of Arbitrators - Decision-making on the Basis of Ex Aequo et Bono
Hučková, Regina
Suchoža, Josef