Case No. Rsp 2408/10 of 6 September 2011

Laws and Regulations Taken into Account in This Ruling:

- CivCo [CZE] – [Czech] Act No. 40/1964 Coll. of 26 February 1964, the Civil Code, as amended: Section 558
- CommCo [CZE] – [Czech] Act No. 513/1991 Coll. of 5 November 1991, the Commercial Code, as amended: Section 323
- ArbAct [CZE] – [Czech] Act No. 216/1994 Coll. of 1 November 1994, on arbitration proceedings and the enforcement of arbitral awards, as amended: [here in particular] Sections 19 and 20

witness affidavit
photocopy of deed
burden of proof
intensity of this international element
international disputes
place of business
trial proceedings
regular court
legal representative
residency permit
court assistance
counter-claim outweighing the claim
parties´legal capacity
res iudicata
domestic legal entity
domestic dispute
non ultra petita
acknowledgement of debt
examination of the witness
about the authors

Founding partner of the law firm NOCAROVÁ JAŠEK & PARTNERS, v.o.s .,arbitrator at the Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic and at the Arbitration Court attached to the Czech-Moravian Commodity Exchange. Dr. Nocarová graduated from the Law Faculty in 1998 and during her studies she graduated with honors at The Marshall School, took economy classes at the University of Minnesota Duluth, in the United States and completed her undergraduate work at University of Passau, Germany. Since 1999 she also acts as a Court interpreter in both English and German languages.
