Limits to the Arbitration Clause: Protection against the Defence that the Promissory Note Dispute Is Subject to an Arbitration Clause (Supreme Court (Sąd Najwyższy) Decision, Case No I CSK 112/10 as of 16 December 2010)
arbitration clause
arbitration clase may be binding
arbitration court
arbitration court´s jurisdiction
Bills of Exchange Act
legal succession
promissory note
promissory note dispute
about the authors

Mgr. Tomáš Řezníček (*1978) works as a legal trainee in the Law Offi ces of Bělohlávek, Prague, Czech Republic. Graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague in 2007, also absolved foreign studies at the Law Faculty of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Coauthor of various articles with prof. A. Bělohlávek published in professional periodicals in the Czech Republic. Field of interest: Commercial Law, Private International Law, Pharmaceutical Law.
